Published inDevOps.devSRE and Chaos Engineering Cheat SheetIn a project I’m about to join, I’ll be helping the client to ensure availability and durability of their 150+ microservices, spread across…Mar 11, 2024Mar 11, 2024
Published inBetter ProgrammingOn the menu: spaghetti code!How you can improve legacy code, making it maintainable and easier to understandFeb 9, 2023Feb 9, 2023
What’s inside the leaked Yandex source code?Yandex, a Russian tech giant, was a recent victim of hackers who published over 40 GiB of the company’s source code. The company denied…Jan 28, 2023Jan 28, 2023
A guide to testing and mocking in RustLearn how to write tests and mocks for everything in Rust!Aug 12, 20222Aug 12, 20222
Mocking GCP DatastoreRepository::performTransaction with MockKThis is purely a quick Note To Self, so that I can find it again when googling for it 🤓Mar 17, 2022Mar 17, 2022
Mocking Spring’s reactive WebClient in Kotlin, using MockK for UnitTestsThis is purely a quick Note To Self, so that I can find it again, when googling for it 🤓Jan 24, 2022Jan 24, 2022
Published inNEW IT EngineeringTest-Driven Development done rightDuring the last months that I’ve been working with Accenture, I saw some talks about testing in general and Test Driven Development. While…Aug 9, 20212Aug 9, 20212
Published inNEW IT EngineeringConnected cars, Blockchain, IoT devices, and what’s next for EmreWhat’s your job at Accenture? Do you do any side activities?Aug 2, 20211Aug 2, 20211
Published inNEW IT EngineeringSarah and her love to openSUSEWhich journey did you take to arrive at TwoDigits/Accenture?Jul 6, 2021Jul 6, 2021
Published inNEW IT EngineeringA math guru on the edge of IoTWhich journey did you take to arrive at TwoDigits/Accenture?Jun 14, 2021Jun 14, 2021