Hi there πŸ‘‹

πŸš€ I wrote my first lines of code on an i486DX2-33 in Turbo Pascal when I was 10 years old.

πŸ”­ I’m currently working on a cloud-native IoT system [Rust] (main job) and a web-spider [Rust] for versionmanager.io (free-time)

πŸͺ In the past, I've worked with Rust, Kotlin, Java, TypeScript, PHP, ActionScript

🌱 I’m currently learning Norwegian

πŸ‘― I’m looking to collaborate on IOTA

πŸ€” I’m looking for software developers who want to join me in building the next energy revolution in Oslo, Norway.

πŸ’¬ Ask me about software architecture

πŸ“« How to reach me: Twitter or Linkedin

πŸ˜„ Pronouns: he/him/his

⚑ Fun fact: 2,04m / 6'8"

Daniel Bunte

Daniel Bunte

Leader, self-taught developer with interests in Architecture/Automation/Security.